Mother's Day with Emma 💗


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Harnessing the Power of Maternal Voice for Working Mothers 

The sound of a mother's voice wields significant influence in shaping the cognitive and emotional development of her children. Research (by Daniel Abrams at Stanford University) has shown that even short bursts of maternal speech trigger a flurry of activity in the young brain, activating areas linked to attention, reward, and emotion processing. This profound connection highlights the invaluable role of a mother's presence in nurturing the minds and hearts of the next generation.
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Good night my little love 

A book by Emma

Through the enchantment of storytelling, we've crafted a bedtime tale that encapsulates the nurturing and guidance of a mother's love. Their narrative weaves a bedtime story around the significance of sleep and the limitless opportunities of a fresh day. Central to it is the bond between a mother and her child, forged through whispered assurances and mutual aspirations.
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Why record this book 

Are you a mom who's ever longed to be closer to your child but couldn't? Emma, the sleep company, wants to help. We're inviting all moms in the US to download our free e-book and record themselves reading the story. It's all about making connections easier and staying close even when you're apart. You can use this recording when the baby is with the babysitter, when your little one won't drift off to sleep and you're worn out, or even when you're miles away.

Sleep is top of mind of parents

Give sleep back to mum

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